

Showing: 31 - 35 of 40 RESULTS
Books Health & Wellness Muscles Trigger Points

Self-Care (For Massage Therapists And Clients)

…business trips because it breaks down into two pieces, making it easy to put in their carry-on luggage. Another great tool from this company is the Knobble II. I have…

Anatomy Health & Wellness Muscles

The Infraspinatus Muscle

…to form the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff strengthens and stabilizes the shoulder joint and is comprised of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis; think S-I-t-S (small “t” representing…

Anatomy Health & Wellness Muscles

Muscle Contractions

…joint. An example of a concentric isotonic contraction is when one does a bicep curl. As the dumbbell is lifted up, visualize how the two ends of the bicep move…

Books Health & Wellness Muscles Range Of Motion Trigger Points

More On Myofascial Trigger Points (TrP’s)

…previous post… Active – A TrP that causes a clinical pain complaint. It is always tender; prevents full lengthening of a muscle; weakens a muscle; activates a local twitch response…

Anatomy Conditions Contraindications Health & Wellness Muscles

The Psoas Major: A Major Player In Back Pain

…today I’m going to focus on just one, that being the psoas major; mainly because I’ve come across too many new clients whom never had them treated before… And this…