

Showing: 1 - 5 of 6 RESULTS
Anatomy Muscles Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

“Neutral Balance Alignment Is Key To Becoming Pain Free!”™

I mentioned in previous posts how PNMT treats pain and dysfunction caused by muscular imbalances within the muscular-skeletal system. So, I thought I would include more detail regarding the distortions (misalignments) I …

Anatomy Conditions Health & Wellness Muscles Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

The Sciatic Nerve

I’ve had many clients come to me over the years requesting help with sciatic-type pain; either after having been diagnosed with “sciatica” or from assuming that it could be such. …

Anatomy Conditions Health & Wellness Muscles Trigger Points

The QL: Another Player In Back Pain

In a previous post, I went over the psoas major and how it is a major player in back pain, so today I thought I would go over the QL—the quadratus lumborum, …

Anatomy Conditions Contraindications Health & Wellness Muscles

The Psoas Major: A Major Player In Back Pain

Have you ever had back pain or know someone who has? If so, this post is for you, my friends! There are many muscles that could cause back issues, but …

Anatomy Health & Wellness Muscles

Muscle Contractions

In this rather lengthy post, I’d like to go over muscle contractions and their types; isotonic (concentric and eccentric) and isometric. However, before I delve into each contraction specifically, I’m …