

Showing: 26 - 30 of 40 RESULTS
Conditions Health & Wellness Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

Do You Clench And/Or Grind Your Teeth?

…or sandpaper. Bridges, crowns, root canals, implants, partial dentures, and even complete dentures. By 40 or 50 years of age, most bruxers . . . have worn their teeth to…

Health & Wellness Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

What Exactly Is PNMT?

…pain and dysfunction when it comes to muscular imbalances. I’m going to go out-on-a-limb here and assume that you are now curious what it is I do in a treatment…

Conditions Health & Wellness Muscles Precision Neuromuscular Therapy Range Of Motion Trigger Points

Headaches And Pain… Oh, My!

…the most common complaints in medicine. In the U.S., more than 30 million people have one or more migraines per year. — Jasvinder Chawla, MD; Migraine Headache They typically throb…

Conditions Health & Wellness Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

What Conditions Can PNMT Treat?

…that you ask for credentials, as there is such a thing in this business. * * * * * “Neutral balance alignment is key to becoming pain free!”™ ~ Me…

Anatomy Conditions Health & Wellness Muscles Trigger Points

The QL: Another Player In Back Pain

…quadratus lumborum, which is a common source of low back pain. Before I go on though, let’s go over the anatomy… THE ANATOMY (per Tortora & Derrickson, 11th edition) Origin:…