

Showing: 41 - 45 of 47 RESULTS
Anatomy Health & Wellness Muscles

Muscle Contractions

…joint. An example of a concentric isotonic contraction is when one does a bicep curl. As the dumbbell is lifted up, visualize how the two ends of the bicep move…

Books Health & Wellness Muscles Range Of Motion Trigger Points

More On Myofascial Trigger Points (TrP’s)

…previous post… Active – A TrP that causes a clinical pain complaint. It is always tender; prevents full lengthening of a muscle; weakens a muscle; activates a local twitch response…

Anatomy Conditions Contraindications Health & Wellness Muscles

The Psoas Major: A Major Player In Back Pain

…today I’m going to focus on just one, that being the psoas major; mainly because I’ve come across too many new clients whom never had them treated before… And this…

PNMT Testimonials

Herniated Disk Testimonial from Steve I.

“I have been fighting issues stemming from a seriously herniated disk in my lower back since 2004. I have been able to avoid surgery and I am currently completely pain…