

Showing: 26 - 30 of 38 RESULTS
Health & Wellness Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

What Exactly Is PNMT?

…points (TrP’s), which can disturb muscle function, refer pain, and reduce muscle length; neural influences, which involve nerves and their ability to affect muscular function including entrapment/nerve compression; and ischemia,…

Conditions Health & Wellness Muscles Precision Neuromuscular Therapy Range Of Motion Trigger Points

Headaches And Pain… Oh, My!

…10-minutes to 3-hours per episode; frequency may occur several times a day for 1- to 4-months. Typically, 1-2 cluster periods are experienced per year; each lasting 2- to 3- months….

Conditions Health & Wellness Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

What Conditions Can PNMT Treat?

…that you ask for credentials, as there is such a thing in this business. * * * * * “Neutral balance alignment is key to becoming pain free!”™ ~ Me…

Anatomy Conditions Health & Wellness Muscles Trigger Points

The QL: Another Player In Back Pain

…quadratus lumborum, which is a common source of low back pain. Before I go on though, let’s go over the anatomy… THE ANATOMY (per Tortora & Derrickson, 11th edition) Origin:…

Anatomy Health & Wellness Muscles

The Infraspinatus Muscle

…or combing your hair; 2) Inability to sleep on your side at night; 3) Inability to reach behind your back and touch the opposite shoulder blade. There are other—more medical—indicators…