

Showing: 11 - 15 of 40 RESULTS
Books Health & Wellness Muscles Trigger Points

Trigger Points (TrP’s) In Detail

…another location in the body along nerve pathways. At rest, they are commonly known to radiate pain that is familiar to the original pain complaint. Latent TrP’s may be tender…

Health & Wellness Massage Therapy

Did You Know…

That Ohio was the first state to license the practice of massage, and the first applicant was licensed in 1916? In fact, according to the State Medical Board, Ohio is…

Anatomy Muscles Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

“Neutral Balance Alignment Is Key To Becoming Pain Free!”™

…pain free!”™ When we are out of alignment, our body tends to spread distortions (via compensation) over as many segments as possible, which in turn spreads negative effects over multiple…

Books Health & Wellness

Barefoot Is Better

…the same way. In fact, he apparently had his track team run barefoot during their practices, despite the fact that Nike sponsored them. During practice in April of 2001, Nike…

Conditions Health & Wellness Muscles Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

Just A Couple Shoulder Pathologies

…a lot of distress and here are just a couple linked to the shoulder that I have come across with clients in my own practice… Impingement Syndrome – Also known…