That Ohio was the first state to license the practice of massage, and the first applicant was licensed in 1916? In fact, according to the State Medical Board, Ohio is …
Did You Know…
More On Myofascial Trigger Points (TrP’s)
Back in May of this year, I posted an article titled Trigger Points (TrP’s) In Detail and thought I would take it a step further by describing additional TrP’s that I …
Some Info On Whiplash From Automobile Accidents
According to an estimate of the National Safety Council, there were 11,900,000 motor vehicle accidents in the United States in 1993. Of these, 2,750,000 were rear-end collisions. Although the precise …
The QL: Another Player In Back Pain
In a previous post, I went over the psoas major and how it is a major player in back pain, so today I thought I would go over the QL—the quadratus lumborum, …
Headaches And Pain… Oh, My!
For me, the pain associated with headaches could be debilitating at times. So much so, I would sometimes just want to crawl in bed and cry like a baby until …