

Showing: 66 - 70 of 82 RESULTS
Books Health & Wellness Muscles Trigger Points

Self-Care (For Massage Therapists And Clients)

In my opinion, treating our own TrP’s is pretty difficult; however, it can offer some short-term relief until the issue of pain and dysfunction—caused by muscular-imbalances—is addressed as a whole, …

Anatomy Conditions Contraindications Health & Wellness Muscles

The Psoas Major: A Major Player In Back Pain

Have you ever had back pain or know someone who has? If so, this post is for you, my friends! There are many muscles that could cause back issues, but …

Books Health & Wellness

Barefoot Is Better

I am engrossed in an awesome book and thought I would share some information from it. The book is called Born To Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, And The Greatest …