

Showing: 1 - 5 of 39 RESULTS
Health & Wellness Massage Therapy Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

New & Improved Website

…re-directs, my main URL is now I thought that was much more fitting than the I have used for the past 10 years… Not personally much of an…

Books Health & Wellness

Barefoot Is Better

I am engrossed in an awesome book and thought I would share some information from it. The book is called Born To Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, And The Greatest…

Books Conditions Health & Wellness Precision Neuromuscular Therapy

Some Info On Whiplash From Automobile Accidents

…is this type of accident that is responsible for most whiplash injuries. — RW Evans A couple of years ago, I completed a Distance Education course from “The Complete Guide

Books Health & Wellness Muscles Trigger Points

Self-Care (For Massage Therapists And Clients)

.pdf is available to both therapists and non-therapists. If you are not a client of mine, please contact TouchU directly for a copy. If you are a client of mine,…