There are so many things I want to write about, but since I mentioned a muscle related to the shoulder joint in a previous post (The Infraspinatus), I figured I …
Just A Couple Shoulder Pathologies
What Conditions Can PNMT Treat?
So many of us, myself included, have struggled with—or are currently struggling with—some form of pain and/or dysfunction. Sadly, a plethora of conventional treatments are sought out, and in some …
What Exactly Is PNMT?
Precision Neuromuscular Therapy (PNMT) is a soft-tissue manipulation technique used to treat pain and dysfunction caused by misalignment of the body by the muscular-skeletal system. Misalignment—or distortions—of the body trigger …
A Brief History of Precision Neuromuscular Therapy (PNMT)
Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) goes back far into the history of manual therapy, originating from several pioneers in both Europe and the United States. In Europe, there was Johan H. Kellgren, M.D., …