“I would like to express to anyone who is in need of a deep tissue massage that Nicole did a wonderful job for me. It was the first time that …
Deep Tissue Massage Testimonial from Kemp S.
Calf Pain Testimonial from Tim H.
“I was training for the Boston Marathon and three weeks before the race I developed severe muscle pain in my left calf. I went to see Nicole and she identified the problem. …
Plantar Fasciitis & Achilles Tendonitis Testimonial from Mike F.
“I’m an Ultra Marathon runner who runs distances ranging from 26.2 miles to 60 miles in length. After so many races, my body started failing me. Over time, my conditions …
“Severe Muscle Problems” Testimonial from Fernando C.
“I am a ‘seasoned’ runner, and even at my age I like to run every day and run hard. With that comes the occasional pain or tightness that we runners …
Chronic Pain in Hip & Low Back Testimonial from Eric C.
“In just a few sessions, Nicole relieved chronic pain in my hip and lower back that no doctor, physical therapist, nor medication had been able to address for months. She …