

A Therapist: In The Making

I, like you or someone you know, had pain for years; specifically low back pain. While in massage school, my back went out again. I thought I was going to have to quit. Fortunately, my teacher/mentor/friend, Bill Neff, introduced me to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy (PNMT); the medical side of massage.

PNMT was Bill’s specialty, and I was pain free after three sessions. It was liberating! As a result, I instantly knew I would become certified in Precision Neuromuscular Therapy… that is what I was called to do.

A Therapist: In Practice

I started my own practice February 2008 and soon discovered that PNMT is not well known within the medical field, or general public for that matter. Therefore, I felt it was important for me to educate people on this non-invasive alternative for pain relief.

Over the years, I learned above-and-beyond what was required of me to become certified in Precision Neuromuscular Therapy. A lot of knowledge was passed down from Bill, but most of it came from hands-on experience with hundreds and hundreds of clients. I have worked with young and old; male and female; the average person to the professional athlete.

A Therapist: Deep In Thought

My philosophy is that NO two bodies are alike. All bodies differ and respond differently to specific treatments… whether via multiple massage modalities, physical therapy, chiropractic, etc. What works for me may not work for you; vice versa.

That being said, my approach with PNMT alone reflects a NO one-size-fits-all treatment. I use my training (and keen intuition) to decipher how best to treat individuals based on their specific needs and with what I see in their measurements, etc.

In addition, I do not have a ‘revolving door.’ PNMT is surprisingly powerful and I get you in and out as quickly as possible. For some, it could be one session; for others, it could be a handful of sessions… it just depends on several factors.

Give Precision Neuromuscular Therapy a try. I believe YOU will find it as beneficial as I did, and still do to this day!

“Neutral balance alignment is key to becoming pain free!” ™